Pinless Calling Cards
Time and time again we hear our customers asking if there’s any way they can stop entering their PIN every time they make a call using their calling card, and the answer is yes, you can! With prepaid pinless international calling cards from you can bypass entering your PIN number and get straight to the business of calling your friends and loved ones.
With our pinless calling cards you can register up to six phone numbers to use with your PIN. Whenever you call your calling card’s access number from any of the phone numbers it will recognize you instantly without entering your PIN number. You can register your home phone number, cell phone, work phone number, dorm room number – basically any phone number that appears on caller ID will work with our system (just remember don't register a work number or a number that is shared by other people).
Our pinless calling cards are quick and easy to set up. After buying your calling card just log in to your account and select the "Setup Pinless Dial" link. Add all phones that you will be calling from and once you add a number to your pinless list it will automatically be activated.
All of our pinless calling cards are rechargeable as well, so once you register your phone numbers you never have to re-register them. If you do choose to buy a new calling card you will have to un-register the phone numbers with the old calling card PIN and register them with the new PIN.
With’s cheap pinless international calling cards you can take advantage of the great savings calling cards offer (up to 70% or more), while experiencing the convenience of easy dialing. Check out our calling cards with the innovative pinless feature today!